Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Judge Judy is Better Than Judge Joe Brown

It has come to my attention that some people think that Judge Joe Brown is better than Judge Judy; they are wrong. I will explain why in detail. I may randomly add onto this piece. Please stay posted. Or don't I don't care. It's not my loss.

Judy Judge can be nice:

And scary mean:

-She is witty and makes an extreme amount of people look dumb. Which they are.
-She has an awesome bailiff.
-Likes to raise her voice and yell at the out-of-order (not broken) talk-backer.
-She makes about $45,000,000 so people must also enjoy her besides myself.
-Varied voice levels (repetition is good to help get a point across).

Onto Judge Joe Brown.

Judge Joe Brown can seem indifferent...

And Judge Joe Brown can seem "angry, agitated, or disappointed".

-His emotions are hard to interpret (can't tell the difference from angry and overjoyed).
-He mumbles more often than not.
-Has some random bailiff.
Doesn't hearing the same thing over and over again get annoying? Especially when it's monotone? THAT'S HOW I FEEL WHILE WATCHING HIM! VARY THE LEVELS OF YOUR VOICE BEFORE I FEED MY HEART TO AN ANGRY BEAR!
-Also he kind of looks like a turtle.

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