Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Highly Efficient Morning.

It came to my attention at 2:20am on a Sunday that I needed to share to the world my morning process. As follows:

2:34am-wake up and look at iPod's clock. Drink too much water.

5:57am-wake up and look at iPod again. Notice that I wake up in 18 minutes. Become angry at the world.

6:15am-have the song ALEJANDRO screamed at me because iPod speakers turned themselves up again. Think that there is an elf turning my speakers up.
*listen to an inappropriately loud Alejandro*

6:16am-hit snooze.

6:25am-leave bed to go take a shower.

6:26am-notice Olivia is still in the shower even though she took one last night. Become irritated.

6:27am-still waiting. Begin to think "I'm going to kill this bitch."

6:30am-finally get into the shower. Sit down and begin to wash my hair.

6:44am-leave the shower's warmth and head towards my bedroom. Arrive at my bedroom moments later.

6:44am-arrive at my bedroom.

6:46am-blow dry my hair. Because I am secure enough with myself that I can. Plus it's warm.

6:50am-go back to sleep.

7:00-think to myself "I should get up now." Refuse to actually get up but ponder some more about my getting-up.

7:10am-finally get up and randomly throw on clothes.

7:22am-start brushing teeth. Michelle starts yelling at me for "taking too long" even though we live 8 minutes from school.

7:25am-leave for school and freeze to death on the way while in Vicky. Complain about how the heat doesn't work and how Vicky is a death trap.

(somehow manage to become late even though of my close proximity to school)

7:47am-arrive at my first hour. Everyone comments on how I'm always late. I tell them to deal.

7:50am-begin my first hour napping and look forward to my second hour napping.

7:55am-I notice I should be paying attention. Contemplate about burning myself in a grease fire. Decide against it.

The End.

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