Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things that make me violently angry

Here are some things that make me violently angry:
   -Crying children
Shut your child up! I went out to eat so I could enjoy the food not be to hear your ugly child cry and     wail!
   -People who do not use their blinkers
I can tolerate the "getting cut off" because I assume that the cutter-offer simply did not see me, however, if you do not use your blinker I want to bludgeon you with a bowling ball. I mean seriously, all you have to do is pull down/up on a stupid lever!
   -Fox News
Fox News... is there really anything else to say?
   -People who think they know politics
You know everything about politics? That's really weird because you're 16. You may not like the person in office but by saying he/she is "ruining our country" without giving any intellectual reasons makes me want to cut out your eye.
   -Homework over breaks
Really? This "analyze the article" is so important that I need to do it over my Christmas Break? Well I hate you. I'm not going to do it.

I will add more once I come up with more. If I don't that means I forgot.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Those all make me very violently angry. ESPECIALLY people who think they know about politics!!! You don't like Fox News... lemme guess, you're a democrat? :P keep up the funny posts!!!!
