Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Whale Watch? I Whale Hunt, Bitch.

Whale hunting is so much better. Especially when whale hunting in a submarine made of wood, rocks, and hot glue.

Monday, February 28, 2011

You Bitch

I was greeted on Thursday by my inquiring Sculpting and Ceramics teacher asking me where I was a specific day.
Here's some background information. I am more often than not about 1 to 2 minutes late to my first hour, almost every day. I will leave her anonymous so let's call her Mrs. Jekyll. She marks me absent when I'm 2 minutes late and then says "I'm going to have to go back in and change it" good, you should change it.
Here's how it went down.
*Comes in about 3-5 minutes late*
Mrs. Jekyll: Where were you on Monday?
   Me: Monday was a snowday...
Mrs. Jekyll: Oh I meant Wednesday.
   Me: I was on a Physics field trip to Chicago. You signed a permission slip to let me go.
Mrs. Jekyll: Were you on time for your field trip?
   Me (thinking she was genuinely curious): I was actually half an hour early! I guess I move faster at 4:30 in the morning (hesitant hehe).
Mrs. Jekyll: Well maybe you should wake up at 4:30 so you can get to my class on time.
   Me: Uhhhh... (wanting to say "You Bitch." so hard)

Seriously? This is SCULPTING AND CERAMICS. Come on let's be serious here, no one is taking this class because they're going to be a sculptor, this class is a filler. I do understand how being late all the time can irritate a teacher but I think that as long as I show up and do the work and am on par with the rest of the class it should be fine. But my art teacher is a Nazi and that's not going to happen. I bow to you, one whose heart is made of the clay she so elegantly sculpts.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things that make me violently angry

Here are some things that make me violently angry:
   -Crying children
Shut your child up! I went out to eat so I could enjoy the food not be to hear your ugly child cry and     wail!
   -People who do not use their blinkers
I can tolerate the "getting cut off" because I assume that the cutter-offer simply did not see me, however, if you do not use your blinker I want to bludgeon you with a bowling ball. I mean seriously, all you have to do is pull down/up on a stupid lever!
   -Fox News
Fox News... is there really anything else to say?
   -People who think they know politics
You know everything about politics? That's really weird because you're 16. You may not like the person in office but by saying he/she is "ruining our country" without giving any intellectual reasons makes me want to cut out your eye.
   -Homework over breaks
Really? This "analyze the article" is so important that I need to do it over my Christmas Break? Well I hate you. I'm not going to do it.

I will add more once I come up with more. If I don't that means I forgot.

Monday, January 3, 2011

If I Could Fly

I've been asked many questions many times. One of my favorite is: "If you could have one superpower what would it be?" Well for starters how dare you bring up something that I have always wanted (superpowers) when you know fully well that I will never be able to attain them. Asshole. But if I had to choose a superpower it would have to be the power of flying. Not angelic flying with the wings because that would take too much effort. Even though I want angelic wings. I prefer the superman flying. But then I began thinking of what could happen if I didn't have anything to help me whilst flying.

This is the typical flying that I would do. But then I realized something.

What if there were bugs?

Then I found the solution! An umbrella!