Monday, February 28, 2011

You Bitch

I was greeted on Thursday by my inquiring Sculpting and Ceramics teacher asking me where I was a specific day.
Here's some background information. I am more often than not about 1 to 2 minutes late to my first hour, almost every day. I will leave her anonymous so let's call her Mrs. Jekyll. She marks me absent when I'm 2 minutes late and then says "I'm going to have to go back in and change it" good, you should change it.
Here's how it went down.
*Comes in about 3-5 minutes late*
Mrs. Jekyll: Where were you on Monday?
   Me: Monday was a snowday...
Mrs. Jekyll: Oh I meant Wednesday.
   Me: I was on a Physics field trip to Chicago. You signed a permission slip to let me go.
Mrs. Jekyll: Were you on time for your field trip?
   Me (thinking she was genuinely curious): I was actually half an hour early! I guess I move faster at 4:30 in the morning (hesitant hehe).
Mrs. Jekyll: Well maybe you should wake up at 4:30 so you can get to my class on time.
   Me: Uhhhh... (wanting to say "You Bitch." so hard)

Seriously? This is SCULPTING AND CERAMICS. Come on let's be serious here, no one is taking this class because they're going to be a sculptor, this class is a filler. I do understand how being late all the time can irritate a teacher but I think that as long as I show up and do the work and am on par with the rest of the class it should be fine. But my art teacher is a Nazi and that's not going to happen. I bow to you, one whose heart is made of the clay she so elegantly sculpts.